10 Essentials for Muddy Roots Fest
Many first time attendees are asking what they should bring to the festival this year. Share this with them and your timeline!
This is just the first post of many, to help you be more prepared next time you visit the site. Comment below with more suggestions so we can make another one of these lists.
Obviously, a paid ticket ifrom the organizer is the crucial GET YOURS HERE.
1) Bring a tent, camper, or RV., although we do not have any RV hookups. You may bring a quiet generator though.. First thing you want to do when you get in to the grounds and have already picked up your wristband, is to setup camp! All attendees may park anywhere they’d like in all of the 120 acres of the Junebug Ranch, with exception of vendor row. You may also also have campfires and cook at your own camp. Obviusly, you’re a grown ass adult and are responsible for your safety, as well as anyone that comes near your camp. There is no extra charge to camp or cook at your site. There are plenty of food vendors. Be mindful of people sleeping near you.
2) Bring a lot of socks! I love me fresh pair on a hectic day. It might rain and get muddy or maybe weekend could be real dry and dusty. It wouldn’t hurt to have muliple pairs every day. I also keep extra chonies and under-shirts on deck. You can come and go all weekend, so a drive in to town is also an option if you’ve run out of socks or anything.
3) Bring cash! There is an ATM in the bar, but it could run out. There are 65 bands and one event to buy merch from and we have the coolest stuff in our community! There’s nothing worse than your favorite band dropping some crazy merch, like a one-off painting, and then not having the cash in the right account. The money keeps bands on the road and allows us to continue these crazy ass DIY events!!
4) Bring boots! Well, let’s not bring boots w/ spurs. I know we get carloads of Texans, but I’m going to have to ask you to to leave your spurs, pistols, and knives at home. Y’all can bring ropes though. We might need y’all to roundup any trainkids sneaking in. You’re basically camping and hiking all weekend. We want you to protect those ankles.
5) Baby wipes work great for keeping your pits and jigglies from funking up too bad. Also bring some extra toilet paper in case the shitters run out.
6) Drink some damn water! I can’t believe I have to remind you of this. How have you survived this long? Water is life. 15 cups a day. Many vendors well water bottles but you can also find water spiggots along vendor row or up at the free showers, by the ticket booth. Pace yourself on adult beverages and sunshine or you’ll be one of those countless shameful stories of sleeping in your tent while your favorite band plays back on vendor row. Or worse, a hospital bed.
7) Gold Bond Body Powder. The “other” Mud. If ya know, ya know.
8) Walk amongst sinners and jezebels at the waterfall with a good pair of water shoes. The rocks in the river can be very slippery. Don’t bust your ass! Jason, your promoter, is also a Realtor (click here) and helped our friends to buy the waterfall. They are kind enough to shuttle folks hayride style Fri-Sun for $5.
9) Umbrellas, hats, and ponchos. Maybe an umbrella-hat so we all look like some sort of futuristic Holy Mounatin cult. This is anoutside fest. Rain or shine.
10) This is the MOST important! Bring a good attiude. We don’t just mean this in the “good-vibes,” hippie quote kind of way. We mean this in the “don’t be a dick or we’ll throw your ass out in a heartbeat,” kind of way. Our events are unique in that the crowd is truly there to have a good time that does not infringe on others. Show up. Have fun. Be cool so everyone around you can do the same. Ya better have your tickets!!!