Muddy Roots 2023. What the F.A.Q.?
This may be your first time to the field or you may be a vet. Either way, you should know what the f.a.q. to expect as we age like a fine bottle of Malort. I started this thang in 2009 and have always had help from friends, but not like now. Milton and Delane have assumed most the planning responsibilites and you can really feel it. I’m a dreamer, not a logistics guy. Hell, I’m not even a musician. Things were pretty damn wild back then. They run a lot smoother now that it is the three of us on day-to-day planning. That brings me to my first point. I will bullet point them below.
1) This is an independently owned and operated event. Yes, we get an occassional sponsor kicking us some beer or signs, but we do not operate with corporate pressure. We are D.I.Y. til we die, and we mean it. This right here is a key ingredient in keeping the experience organic.
2) You’ll see folks of all ages but most the demographic is men and women that may have seen some of these bands when they first started touring. That means less college aged folks just looking for a pop culture party and more folks who have been around the block and are there to enjoy the weekend without drama. Not 21 year old suzy or johnnie on spring break, trying mdma for the first time in a g-string with fluffy boots.
3) Wait, who are “we"?” Milt and Delane own Grace & Glory Tattoo in Murfreesboro. I am a Realtor that helps our folks Find A Home across the U.S. Milt and I knew each other in SoCal, circa 1995 when we were wild younginz. They’ve been putting on club shows and concerts since then. I started back then with small shows and returned to it in 2009 when I started Muddy Roots in East Nashville.
4) Who is playing this year? Son, I’m glad you asked! GWAR, Suicidal Tendencies, Amigo The Devil, Murder By Death, Bridge City Sinners…. oh hell. Let me just post the flyer.
Muddy Roots Music Festival 2023. Arte by Olafh Ace.
5) Can I camp? Do I have to camp? Where do I camp? Sho can! In fact, you can park and camp just about anywhere you’d like in the field except vendor row. There is no camping fee. You can also bring your RV but the venue does not have any hookups. Quiet generators are okay but you need to be considerate and safe. There is no driving on the grass at night, so park near a road if you plan on coming and going.
6) Can I come and go? Yes, you may leave the property whenever you like. Don’t leave impaired. But you’re an adult and already know that. The front gate stays open 24 hours a day during the event.
7) When may I arrive? 10 a.m. Thursday if you are a “Keys to the Kingdom, level supporter on Patreon. 2 p.m. if you have a weekend pass and are wanting to also pay for a pre-party pass. Friday at 6. a.m. for all weekend passes.
8) How much are tickets?
KIDS 7-17: $50 AT THE GATE
Kids tickets are only available at the gate. They MUST stay with their parents the whole time.
If you don’t buy your ticket in advance and you wait to buy it at the GATE, the prices below are what you would pay.
No refunds for any reason.
9) All ticket orders become WILL CALL after August 20th. That means you buy them online but don’t get a ticket mailed to you. Just show up and your name is at the gate.
10) Can I bring beer? Yep. You can literally bring your own beer right up to the stage. But the venue also sells cheap beer. They don’t sell booze. There is no $20 festival priced beer either.
11) I’m hungry. I got’choo, homie. From vegan to bbq, there is something for everyone!
12) I don’t drink. Who can I hang with? Plenty of us are friends of Bill W. and like to hangout. Even if you’re just looking to take it wasy and stay sober for the day, you have a place to stay. Tons of our musicians are also not drinking and partying. We have an FB group called Muddy Roots Sober Community if you want to reach out.
13) I heard you have a waterfall. Ugh ,yeah dude. And it’s huge! Well, our good friends Nathan and Alice do. We helped them buy it. They offer shuttles throughout the weekend to and from the main gate of Muddy to the waterfall, just up the road. They just ask a few bucks so have cash on had. They’ll shuttle Friday-Sunday 10-6 $5 roundtrip.
Muddy Roots Waterfall, Waterloo Falls & Events. Cookeville, TN.
14) No dogs! We love puppers just like anyone but this is not the place for them. You will be turned away at the gate with no refunds.
15) What should i bring? The most important thing is to bring a good attitude. Sounds cheesy but we mean it. No one wants to deal with frumpy faces or adults acting like children . Don’t be a dick! We’ll show you the gate in a heartbeat. You should also bring plenty of water to drink, snacks, socks, sunblock, mudboots, more socks, sun glasses, extra socks!
16) How do I wash my azz? I’m glad you asked. We have showers and they are FREE to use! They’re hot too. Bring some slippers to wear and a towel. There are attendants that stand out front with extra soap and toiletries. They keep the showers clean. Kick them a tip for their invaulable service!
17) I can’t come now, what do I do? Sell your ticket or give it to a friend. There are no refunds!
18) How do I upgrade to VIP? It’s easy. Be nice to folks and treat the bands like real people. They want to enjoy the weekend just like you. That would make you pretty important. There is no VIP upgrade. We’re all equal in the field.
19) If we’re all equal then why do you keep spoiling the Patreon supporters? I heard they get a free 24x36 poster, earliest access into the field, and a secret performance in the field. They also get gifts mailed all year! Well my friend, it is because their continued support over time. We’re just paying them back some for the extra credit they put in.
20) Anything else? Hit up the Facebook group, “Muddy Roots Camping Festivals,” where a bunch of us chat daily.